

Maternité et sexualité. Réflexions en trois temps sur le concept de mère en droit

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:00to13:00

The Quebec Research Centre of Private & Comparative Law warmly invites you to the first lecture of the 2010 edition of its Summer Seminar. The lecture will be given by Régine Tremblay, BCL/LLB'09; an LLM candidate (Toronto) and a Research Associate at the QRCPCL.

The whole UUÖ±²¥ Law community is invited to take part in the discussion, so please share this invitation with graduate students and research assistant. The main purpose of this seminar series is to offer a forum to younger scholars to present their ideas and to engage with those of others in an informal setting.

Cold drinks and cookies will be served.

Please read the French version of this posting (see upper right) for the conference abstract.

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