

Continuing Education Student's Association: Nominations for Executive Positions

Published: 12 November 2008

Executive positions with the UU直播 Association for Continuing Education StudentsCall for Nomination

The UU直播 Association for Continuing Education Students provides an environment and a level of service that allows continuing education students to further enhance and excel their educational pursuits. MACES also monitors the needs of the member students and ensures they are satisfied.

MACES 2008 elections will take place from November 24 to 28. The following executive positions must be filled:

  • President
  • VP Academic / Senator 1
  • Senator 2
  • Governor

To apply, print and fill the and submit it before 5:00 pm, November 21. For further information, visit or contact us at MACES [at] mail.mcgill.ca.

Your participation is important to your student association! Run and/or vote to be eligible and you might win great prizes!

  • One Apple 16GB iPod Touch
  • One Acer Aspire Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz Laptop
  • One Canon PowerShot 10MP Digital Camera聽
  • One of 15 Dell computers in great shape

This message is approved by UU直播 Association of Continuing Education Students

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