
Entering Self-Reported Grades in the online application

Published: 27 October 2010

Dear Applicants,


Note that this notice does not apply to Med-P applicants.

We take this opportunity to remind you that entering your academic history is COMPULSORY in order for your application to be considered complete.

As stated in our website at /medadmissions/applying/submitting-your-applciation/academic-records-mdcm-joint-programs :

“In addition to the official academic records, applicants are required to self-report their post-secondary academic history via the system, according to the instructions presented here. This information must be up-to-date and complete by the relevant application deadline. Your UUֱ ID number must be included in the identification section by the application deadline.”

Please note that this requirement includes applicants who have attended UUֱ. Any incomplete files, including those without self-reported grades by the application deadline will be cancelled without any possibility of reimbursement.

We thank you for your understanding.

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