
The Reporter - Outgoing Chancellor leaves big shoes to fill

Published: 28 May 2009

Richard W. Pound has made remarkable contribution to UUֱ

Doug Sweet in the UUֱ Reporter.

“He shoots from the hip, but he’s got good hips to shoot from. Smart hips.”

In seeking perspective on the contribution Richard W. Pound has made to UUֱ, there is perhaps no better place to turn than the University’s irrepressible imp, Architecture professor Derek Drummond, who has worked with Pound for decades, has slandered him freely in countless podium introductions and has remained a close friend of the family nonetheless.

In an interview laced with anecdotes that cannot be printed, affectionate recollection and obvious admiration for a remarkable man and his equally remarkable career, Drummond talked at length about the outgoing Chancellor...

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