

Three students under the supervision of Dr Maureen Simmonds receive travel awards from the Quebec Pain Research Network - Xiaoli Ma, Shahnaz Shahrbanian & Mahnaz Hamidzadeh

Published: 18 July 2008

PhD student Shahnaz Shahrbanian receives a $1000 travel award from the Quebec Pain Research Network in recognition of her poster presentation entitled ‘Differential Effects of Virtual Reality Environments on Experimental Pain Threshold to Heat and Cold in Post-Stroke Individuals With or Without Pain’ being accepted for the 12th World Congress on Pain Held in Glasgow, Scotland this upcoming August. M.Sc students Mahnaz Hamidzadeh & Xiaoli Ma received a $1000 travel award from the Quebec Pain Research Network in recognition of their poster presentations being accepted at the Pain, Mind and Movement Conference in Dublin, Ireland this upcoming August. Mahnaz Hamidzadeh’s poster presentation is entitled ‘Reliability of Self-Measurement of Physical Performance Tests (SPPT)’ and Xiaoli Ma’s poster presentation is entitled ‘Does playing a computer game decrease pain, improve mood and physical performance?’ CONGRATULATIONS!

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