Roy Cartlidge /continuingstudies/fr/taxonomy/term/1057/all fr A Brief History of Frenglish /continuingstudies/fr/article/brief-history-frenglish <p>When I was around twelve years old and had only recently started to learn French in school, I made the following startling discovery: little French kids were way more sophisticated than little English kids. In one of the <em>Oncle Picsou (Uncle Scrooge)</em> comics sent to me by a friend of my father’s who thought I could understand them, I consistently discovered that Riri, Loulu, and Fifi (far fancier than Huey, Duey and Louie, you will agree) demonstrated dazzling verbal dexterity in response to the most banal daily occurrences.</p> Tue, 30 Apr 2019 21:03:40 +0000 Roy Cartlidge 8639 at /continuingstudies