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Transaction Services' Holiday Deadlines 2019

Published: 6 November 2019

This message is sent on behalf of Tonia Sciannamblo, Associate Director, Transaction Services

The following are Transaction Services’ deadlines prior to the Holidays:

Travel (advances and expense reports)

  • Advances and Non-FST expense reports received by the Travel Desk by December 3rd no later than 5:00 p.m. will be processed by December 23rd.
  • Advances and FST expense reports received by the Travel Desk by December 10th no later than 5:00 p.m. will be processed by December 23rd.
  • Contact: Kira Sakun, Acting Assistant Supervisor, Travel Desk – ext. 2017 or

Kimberley Renaud, Supervisor, Accounts Payable and Travel Desk – ext. 1065

Accounts Payable (invoice payments – purchase orders and payment requests)

  • Invoices received by December 9th with a due date of December 23rd and prior will be processed and paid by December 24th.
  • Contact: Anita Recchilungo, Assistant Supervisor, Accounts Payable – ext. 7703 or

Kimberley Renaud, Supervisor, Accounts Payable and Travel Desk – ext. 1065

Banking Services (deposits)

  • Those who send cheques to Banking Services for deposit at RBC, must ensure they are received by NOON on December 23rd.
  • Any cheques greater than $250,000.00 which are received in your office after the NOON deadline must be hand delivered to 3465 Durocher by 10:00 AM on December 24th. Please email Banking Services with a cc. to Peter Guertin immediately to co-ordinate the drop off.
  • Contact: Peter Guertin, Supervisor, Banking Services, 3465 Durocher, room 220 – ext. 3353 - //campus/deptshare/Accounting/Vol1/TranServ/Supervisors/peter.guertin [at] mcgill.ca">peter.guertin [at] mcgill.ca or

Banking Services ext. 8405 or //campus/deptshare/Accounting/Vol1/TranServ/Supervisors/banking [at] mcgill.ca">banking [at] mcgill.ca

Finance Accounts Receivable

  • Departments who have on-line access to Banner Finance Accounts Receivable must complete their sessions by 10:00 a.m. December 24th.
  • Finance Accounts Receivable will finalize and close all sessions after that time to ensure transactions are reflected on the finance ledgers that night.
  • Departments submitting the "Request for Invoice" form must do so by 5:00 p.m. December 20th.
  • Departments who submit feeds to Finance Accounts Receivable must submit them by 12:00 p.m. December 20th to ensure processing by December 24th.
  • Contact: Maria Anania, Supervisor, Accounts Receivable – ext. 2311
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