70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights /humanrights/taxonomy/term/102/all en Keeping Up with the Times: Why Canada Should Enact a Modern Slavery Act /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/keeping-times-why-canada-should-enact-modern-slavery-act By Emilie de Haas. While modern slavery already constitutes a human trafficking offense under criminal and immigration laws in Canada, Canada is falling behind other countries when it comes to holding its companies accountable when they cause harm abroad through their operations and supply chains. Wed, 07 Aug 2019 12:08:08 +0000 Emilie de Haas 2124 at /humanrights Preaching Without Practicing: Legal Accountability for NGOs to Respect Human Rights /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/preaching-without-practicing-legal-accountability-ngos-respect-human-rights By Noam Schimmel. While many NGOs have been keen to embrace the principle that international human rights law should apply to corporations, they have largely not insisted upon the same for themselves. Tue, 06 Aug 2019 14:56:39 +0000 Noam Schimmel 2123 at /humanrights On Global Human Rights — Part One /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/global-human-rights-part-i By Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal. How are the international human rights regime and international law to recover from populism, ethno-nationalism and sovereigntism, and tackle current human rights crises? How do we ensure that the chimeras of globalization such as the migration crises or our incapacity to detail a strong climate action plan to safeguard the rights of all, are demystified and offered solutions beyond current failures? Wed, 12 Jun 2019 18:32:37 +0000 Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal 2117 at /humanrights Impunity for Genocide Perpetrators: How the UN Residual Mechanism Fails to Deliver Justice /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/impunity-genocide-perpetrators-how-un-residual-mechanism-fails-deliver-justice By Noam Schimmel. International criminal tribunals that respond to appeals of sentences made by these tribunals—and requests for early release from convicts—often radically undervalue the lives of the innocent in their sentencing and undermines the authority of international criminal law. Tue, 07 May 2019 22:08:30 +0000 Noam Schimmel 2110 at /humanrights Christchurch Tragedy: In Pursuit of Silver Linings and Lessons to Embrace amidst Precarity and Division /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/christchurch-tragedy-pursuit-silver-linings-and-lessons-embrace-amidst-precarity-and-division By Rodziana Razali. Explicit racism and Islamophobia incentivizing both mainstream and fringe alt-groups can no longer be ignored and downplayed when their perpetuated threats and violent extremism are becoming rampant and more global in their reach. Tue, 07 May 2019 20:29:18 +0000 Rodziana Razali 2109 at /humanrights A purposeful role for women in peacebuilding in Mali /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/purposeful-role-women-peacebuilding-mali By Sharanjeet Parmar. To achieve durable peace in Mali, citizens and their government must ensure that transitional justice and peacebuilding efforts are as inclusive as possible, putting the interests of women and marginalised groups at their forefront. Tue, 07 May 2019 19:43:21 +0000 Sharanjeet Parmar 2108 at /humanrights The Global Compact on Refugees: A Cause for Celebration or a Missed Opportunity? /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/global-compact-refugees-celebration-or-missed-opportunity By Rouba Al-Salem. Only time will tell how successful the international community will be at developing indicators to measure the implementation of the Compact and how successful these will be in capturing any progress made. Mon, 15 Apr 2019 18:06:23 +0000 Rouba Al-Salem 2105 at /humanrights Women imprisoned. Lessons to inform the UDHR at 70 /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/women-imprisoned-lessons-inform-udhr-70 By Marianne Bevan. There is a striking similarity in the experiences of women in prisons around the world. Their pathways into prison are generally characterised by high rates of trauma and abuse, mental health issues, substance abuse, poverty and social exclusion. We need practice models that have been designed with women in mind. Wed, 27 Mar 2019 18:48:31 +0000 Marianne Bevan 2098 at /humanrights Human Rights in a Divided World: An Appeal to the Ordinary Citizen /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/human-rights-divided-world-appeal-ordinary-citizen By Rapti Ratnayake. The foundations of the international human rights system are being threatened, and more efforts need to be made in making its case to ordinary citizens. This requires a reframing of the moral order and a step back from ideological thinking, doctrine and human rights language. Fri, 15 Mar 2019 14:46:46 +0000 Rapti Ratnayake 2089 at /humanrights The Isolation of Human Rights and an Appeal for the Human Rights Based Approach /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/isolation-human-rights-and-appeal-human-rights-based-approach By Slava Balan. Over the past 70 years international human rights saw an unprecedented progress. Yet, despite these outstanding normative and institutional achievements, the global human rights situation experienced uneven and fragmented progress, a lot of which proved fragile. Thu, 14 Mar 2019 21:42:50 +0000 Slava Balan 2088 at /humanrights ‘The Magna Carta for all humanity’ and ‘African values’: an appraisal /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/magna-carta-all-humanity-and-african-values-appraisal By Zelalem Kibret. While the majority of African countries signed the UDHR in the post-independence period with the hope that its enshrined values represent their national values, perennial queries and criticisms over these values abound. Mon, 18 Feb 2019 22:16:43 +0000 Zelalem Kibret 2069 at /humanrights Constitution: Conservation or Redemption /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/constitution-conservation-or-redemption By Fatemeh Sadeghi. Most constitutions in the Middle East ignore the elements of citizen’s rights. The grassroots democracy of the Rojava Constitution has the potential to serve as a blueprint for grassroots constitutionalism, at a time when authoritarianism and neoliberalism are on the rise across the globe. Fri, 15 Feb 2019 22:32:57 +0000 Fatemeh Sadeghi Givi 2068 at /humanrights 70 ans: Travailler pour un monde plus juste, d'hier à aujourd'hui. /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/70-ans-travailler-pour-un-monde-plus-juste-dhier-aujourdhui Par Annick Poitras. Une série d’activités organisées par le Centre sur les droits de la personne et le pluralisme juridique souligne les 70 ans de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme, et autant d’années de leadership à la Faculté dans la lutte pour créer un monde meilleur. Mon, 21 Jan 2019 22:53:46 +0000 Annick Poitras, étudiante au BCL/LLB 2056 at /humanrights Civil Society – State Relations in Peace and Conflict /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/civil-society-state-relations-peace-and-conflict By Saeed Parto. Efforts by civil society to contest or initiate collaborative engagement with the State on the fundamental rights of citizens is likely to carry more weight and legitimacy if linked with the fundamental rights principles as prescribed in the UDHR. Mon, 17 Dec 2018 20:32:42 +0000 Saeed Parto 2047 at /humanrights The Human Rights Implications of Business Activities: The Case of Copper Mining in the Zambian Copperbelt /humanrights/article/70th-anniversary-universal-declaration-human-rights/human-rights-implications-business-activities-case-copper-mining-zambian-copperbelt By Hanna Haile. In May 2017, I traveled to the Zambian Copperbelt for research. I soon learned of the complex socioeconomic and political intersections and interactions tied to the copper industry. With the privatization of mining companies and the increasing financialization of copper trading, the welfare of employees and the community has been relegated to a less important position. Mon, 17 Dec 2018 19:53:34 +0000 Hanna Haile 2046 at /humanrights