Cedars CanSupport Well-Being Conversation

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 11:00to12:00

Cedars CanSupport Well-Being Conversation with invited guest speaker, Heather Palmer, PhD, for an informative conversation about Cancer-Related Brain Fog./infoneuroCategory: News

Law to better protect vulnerable persons

Published: 2 November 2022

The law to better protect people in vulnerable situations came into force on November 1, 2022. For more information, click here.

Webinaire SP La sclérose en plaques progressive secondaire

Thursday, November 3, 2022 19:00to20:00

Webinar offered by MS Society of Canada about secondary progressive MS./infoneuroCategory: News

National Young Adults with Dystonia Meeting - Virtual

Sunday, November 20, 2022 14:00to15:00

National Young Adults with Dystonia Virtual Meeting offered by Dystonia Medical Research Foundation Canada./infoneuroCategory: News

Conférence virtuelle sur les tumeurs cérébrales 2022

Saturday, November 12, 2022 09:00to12:30

Free online conference offered by Brain Tumours Foundation of Canada. Click here to learn more and to register.  /infoneuroCategory: News

Regards croisés sur la proche aidance d’une personne vivant avec un trouble neurocognitif

Thursday, November 10, 2022 14:30to15:30

Free French online conference with Dre Marie-Jeanne Kergoat offered by the L'Appui pour les proches aidants.  /infoneuroCategory: News

Activité physique: un allié de taille sur l’ensemble du continuum de soins du cancer!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 12:00to13:00

Free French webinar offered on cancer and physical activity offered by the Fondation québécoise du cancer./infoneuroCategory: News

A Brilliant Night

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 18:30to20:30

Through an immersive experience, A Brilliant Night’s mission is to raise money for brain cancer research and educate the community about the important research taking place at The Neuro....

New additions to our book collection

Published: 23 September 2022

Come take a look at our new books available at the Neuro-Patient Resource Centre - room 354.  To discover our book collection, we invite you to browse our online catalogue. 


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