
2019 Baxter Family Competition in Federalism Symposium

Saturday, May 11, 2019 11:45to14:15
Thomson House 3650 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 1Y2, CA

The Baxter Family Competition in Federalism is a prestigious bi-annual competition, with the overarching goal of advancing research and fostering informed debate on federalism by young jurists (including law students, law PhD Candidates, junior legal scholars and junior lawyers) from around the world.

This year's four winners will be presenting their papers at the Baxter Symposium, which activity is taking place in collaboration with the 8th Annual Conference of the Younger Comparativists Committee.

  1. First Prize: Jan Raeimon Nato (BCL/LLB candidate, UUֱ, Montreal) – “Duties of Federal Loyalty: Lessons to Learn, Conversations to be Had”
  2. Second Prize: Berihun Gebeye (SJD Candidate, Central European University, Budapest) – “Federal Theory and Federalism in Africa”
  3. Third Prize (ex-aequo)
    • Rafael Viotti Schlobach (BCL, University of São Paulo, São Paulo) - “Homogeneity Clauses in Federal Countries: A Comparative Analysis”
    • Catherine Mathieu (DCL candidate, UUֱ, Montreal) - « L’initiative constitutionnelle comme élément déclencheur de la réforme du fédéralisme canadien »

To attend the Symposium (luncheon served), email marie-helene.lyonnais [at] mail.mcgill.ca.

To read the winning papers and to find out more about the competition, visit the Baxter Family Competition on Federalism webpage.

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