
2021 Symposium of the Baxter Family Competition in Federalism (online)

Saturday, May 15, 2021 11:00to13:00
Register for link.

The Baxter Family Competition in Federalism is a prestigious bi-annual competition, with the overarching goal of advancing research and fostering informed debate on federalism by young jurists (including law students, law PhD Candidates, junior legal scholars and junior lawyers) from around the world. This year's theme was Federalism, Identity and Public Policy in Challenging Times.

The MacKell Chair is pleased to welcome the three winners and the recipient of the honourable mention of the 2021 edition of the Baxter Family Symposium in Federalism to present their papers, which are available on the main UUֱ Law site.

  1. First prize: Josiah Wamwere-Njoroge (LLB candidate, Riara University, Nairobi, Kenya): “The Utility of a Decentralized Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”
  2. Second prize: Kelty McKerracher (JD/JID candidate, University of Victoria, Canada): “Relational Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Legal Orders in Canada".
  3. Third prize: Benoît Delerue (PhD candidate in political science, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Lyon, France): “Le régime fédératif face au triptyque structure-conjoncture-fracture : évolution structurelle des fédérations canadienne et états-unienne sous l’effet des crises conjoncturelles et des fractures politiques”
  4. Honourable mention: Philipp Renninger (PhD candidate in law, University of Lucerne and University of Freiburg, Switzerland and Germany): “‘Federalism, Chinese Style’? or: How to Contain COVID-19 Through a Central-Local Chess Game”

To register for this symposium and to receive the Zoom link, write to baxter-competition.law [at] mcgill.ca.

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