

The Theory & Practice of Safe Spaces

Monday, February 12, 2018 13:00to14:30
Chancellor Day Hall NCDH 312, 3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA

The Women of Colour Collective of UU直播 Law and the UU直播 Runnymede Society are happy to present a panel on safe spaces.

Cette table ronde explorera le sujet des espaces s茅curitaires ou 芦 safe spaces 禄. Les conf茅rencier路猫re路s discuteront des fondements th茅oriques de ces espaces et leurs effets en pratique. Les espaces s茅curitaires 茅tant un sujet d茅licat, leur l茅gitimit茅 ne sera pas remise en question. Les invit茅路e路s se pencheront plut么t sur leur efficacit茅 en examinant comment ces espaces peuvent permettre d鈥檃tteindre les buts pour lesquels ils sont constitu茅s.

This panel will be composed of three speakers:

  • Dr. Victor Mu帽iz-Fraticelli Associate Professor of Law and Political Science at UU直播;
  • Mr. Michael Kennedy, Director of Communication and Development of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms; and
  • Dr. Dolores Chew, Research Associate at Marianopolis College.

Our moderator will be Professor Dr. Nandini Ramanujam, Associate Professor, Executive Director and Program Director of the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism at UU直播鈥檚 Faculty of Law.

Nous servirons des rafraichissements! Venez en grand nombre! RSVP 脿 woccmcgill [at] gmail.com!

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