
Hybrid Event | Illuminated Deities: Hindu Gods and Goddesses and Devotional Texts in UUֱ’s Rare Books and Special Collections

Thursday, October 6, 2022 12:00to13:00
McLennan Library Building 4th floor, ROAAr Colgate Room., 3459 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C9, CA
deitie riding cross legged atop a tiger

Join Prof. Hamsa Stainton of UUֱ's Religious Studies department for a lunchtime introduction to the illuminated Indic manuscripts of UUֱ’s Rare Books and Special Collections. This talk focuses on the relationship between the images of Hindu deities and the devotional texts with which they are paired. The presentation will include interactive examinations of multiple manuscripts and a detailed look at one extraordinary codex of over a thousand pages and 47 full-page images. This particular manuscript comes from Kashmir and includes famous texts like the 󲹲岵ī as well as many Tantric texts and deities. 

Join ROAAr for this hybrid event. This event will be live-streamed for remote attendance, and we will be happy to host a limited number of in-person attendees.

About the Speakers

Hamsa Stainton is an Associate Professor in the School of Religious Studies at UUֱ. He completed graduate work at Columbia University (Ph.D.) and Harvard Divinity School (M.T.S.), and he previously taught at the University of Kansas. He specializes in South Asian religions, particularly Hinduism, and has spent many years studying and travelling in South Asia. He teaches classes on a variety of topics related to the history and diversity of South Asian religions, including courses on the history of yoga, the RamayanaԻMahabharata,bhakti and Tantric traditions, and Hindu goddesses. His recent research and publications focus on the religious and literary history of Kashmir, and specifically the genre of Sanskrit devotional poetry known as the stotra (hymn of praise). His recent monograph,Poetry as Prayer in the Sanskrit Hymns of Kashmir (Oxford University Press, 2019), charts the trajectory of this genre in Kashmir from the eighth century to the present. He has also published a volume on Hindu Tantra, co-edited with Dr. Bettina Bäumer, called Tantrapuṣpāñjali: Tantric Traditions and Philosophy of Kashmir;Studies in Memory of Pandit H.N. Chakravarty. His current research, funded by a SSHRC Insight Development Grant, is called “Navigating the Ocean of Hymns: Popular Sanskrit and the Historiography of Hinduism.”

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