Morphologie des cellules végétales : mystérieux puzzle

Published: 12 August 2019

Communication de presse, Université UUֱ - 8 août 2019...

Stéphanie Bélanger-Naud, meilleure bûcheronne au pays

Published: 6 August 2019

Stéphanie Bélanger-Naud est devenue la meilleure bûcheronne au Canada, le 27 juillet dernier, en remportant le championnat canadien Stihl Timbersport à Mississauga, en Ontario....

La vague végé: vers un retour du pois jaune?

Published: 5 August 2019

Au début du XXe siècle, alors que la soupe aux pois faisait partie intégrante du menu des Québécois, on le cultivait beaucoup ici, raconte David Wees, chargé de cours et agronome à l'Université...

Des aînés morts étouffés par leur grilled cheese

Published: 5 August 2019

Stéphanie Chevalier, professeure associée à l'École de nutrition humaine de l'Université UUֱ, souligne elle aussi que le grilled cheese présente des risques particuliers parce qu'il est collant....

Adjunct Professor Pierre Lacasse named a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Animal Science

Published: 23 July 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Pierre Lacasse, an Adjunct Professor in Animal Science, who has been made a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) in a recent annual meeting in Austin,...

UUֱ researchers receive $3.3M from NSERC CREATE program funding

Published: 15 July 2019

Hanadi Sleiman and Jaswinder Singh have each received $1.65 million in research grants, to be distributed over six years.

Professor Joann Whalen named a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Soil Science

Published: 15 July 2019

Congratulations to NRS professor Joann Whalen who has been made a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS). The Award is for members with a distinguished record of accomplishment in...

Chandra Madramootoo inducted into Canadian Academy of Engineering

Published: 4 July 2019

Congratulations to Bioresource professor Chandra Madramootoo, who was recently made a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. CITATION:


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