

Canada’s Largest Fair Trade Conference hosted at UUÖ±²¥

Montreal, Quebec, Canada: January 14, 15 & 16, 2015
Published: 13 January 2015

The CFTN and UUÖ±²¥ are proud to host Canada’s Third-Annual Fair Trade Conference. The three-day event will create opportunities for new partnerships that further the impact of fair trade.

We’ve achieved much in our first three years, but are just scratching the surface. This year’s conference will build on existing relationships to launch a new level of collaboration and cooperation among business and advocacy networks. The conference is presented in collaboration with our partners in Québec, the Association Québécoise du Commerce Équitable & Équiterre.

This year, producer representatives will share their perspectives on the extraordinary work being done in Canada and around the world in support of fair trade. By working together we can achieve real change.

  • When: January 14, 15 & 16, 2015 (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
  • Where: UUÖ±²¥ (New Residence Hall) 3625 Avenue du Parc
  • What: An opportunity to connect with stakeholders from coast to coast
  • Who: Hosted by the CFTN & UUÖ±²¥

Who’s Involved

Canada’s 2015 Fair Trade Conference will see leaders from across the country come together to strengthen existing ties and increase opportunities for collaboration. Participants will include: fair trade town and campus delegates, fair trade companies, certifiers, food service companies, government institutions, non-profit partners, retailers, university and college representatives, wholesalers 

Conference Goals

  • increase participation and coordination in the fair trade movement in Canada
  • inspire, motivate, and build stakeholder capacity to strengthen impact
  • present progress of the fair trade movement and the work being done by the CFTN
  • prepare strategy for 2015-16  and beyond

Conference details, including: agenda, speakers and registration can be found online:

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