

Seeking answers in America

Published: 18 September 2001

UUÖ±²¥ experts available for insight on U.S. terrorist attacks

In light of the shocking terrorist attacks on the United States, UUÖ±²¥ has rounded up a list of experts available to speak on different issues to the media. Additional commentators can be found through our Media Guide to UUÖ±²¥ Experts, available or by calling the University Relations Office at 514-398-6748.

abela [at] ego.psych.mcgill.ca (John Abela), psychologist, 514-398-6109. Prof Abela is an expert in depression in children or adolescents and can comment on how terrorist attacks can affect young people.

frances.aboud [at] mcgill.ca (Frances Aboud), psychologist, 514-398-6099. Prof Aboud is an expert in racial prejudice and the development of racial prejudice in children.

mbrawl [at] po-box.mcgill.ca (Mark Brawley), political scientist, 514-398-5064. Prof Brawley is an expert in international political economy, international relations theory, major wars, international factors in domestic institutional change and foreign economic politics.

msbrech [at] mscc.huji.ac.il (Michael Brecher), political scientist, can be reached through sylvaind [at] uro.mcgill.ca (S-J Desjardins), 514-398-6752. Prof Brecher is an expert in international crisis theory, conflict and war in the 20th century, foreign policy theory, international systems, Middle East international politics, especially the Arab-Israel conflict and the peace process.

brunal [at] douglas.mcgill.ca (Alain Brunet), psychiatrist, 514-761-6131, ext. 4348 . A researcher at the UUÖ±²¥-affiliated Douglas Hospital Centre, Dr Brunet is an expert in post-traumatic stress disorder and can comment on how terrorist attacks can affect general populations.

rex [at] brynen.net (Rex Brynen), political scientist. Prof Brynen is an expert in the Arab-Israeli peace process, security and development in the Middle East, Palestinian politics, peace-building and post-conflict reconstruction.

crepeau [at] cs.mcgill.ca (Claude Crepeau), computer scientist, 514-398-4716. Professor Crepeau is an expert in computer security, cryptographic protocols, and techniques for processing confidential data by several users that do not trust each other.

grey [at] falaw.lan.mcgill.ca (Julius Grey), lawyer, 514-288-6180. Prof Grey is an authority in CanadaÂ’s immigration law.

clu6 [at] po-box.mcgill.ca (Catherine Lu), political scientist, 514-398-4817. Prof Lu is an expert in global justice, political theory, international relations, justice and reconciliation and contemporary political theory.

naylor [at] leacock.lan.mcgill.ca (Tom Naylor), economist, 514-398-4828. Prof Naylor is an expert in international black markets, smuggling, money laundering and is critical of NATO sanctions against Iraq.

plpn [at] musica.mcgill.ca (Paul Noble), political scientist, 514-398-8960/4800. Prof Noble is an expert in international systems, particularly regional systems, security and development in the Developing World, international politics and foreign policy in the Middle East.

tpaul2 [at] po-box.mcgill.ca (T.V. Paul), political scientist, 514-398-4820. Prof Paul is an expert in international security, regional security, war and conflict and international relations theory.

peddun [at] douglas.mcgill.ca (Duncan Pederson), psychiatrist, 514-761-6131, ext. 4347. Dr Pederson is director of the Psychosocial Research Unit at the Douglas Hospital Centre. A UUÖ±²¥ Psychiatry professor, he is an expert on the long-term health and social consequences of terrorism and political violence.

somerville [at] falaw.lan.mcgill.ca (Margaret Somerville), ethicist, 514-398-7401. Prof Somerville is director of the UUÖ±²¥ Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law and an expert on the larger ethical and legal aspects of science and society.

tetley [at] falaw.lan.mcgill.ca (William Tetley), lawyer, 514-398-6619. Prof Tetley is an expert in international maritime law, international arbitration and conflicts of law.

gil.troy [at] mcgill.ca (Gil Troy), historian, 514-398-3898. Prof Troy is an expert in modern United States political history, U.S. presidents and American politicians.

hwalle [at] po-box.mcgill.ca (Harold M. Waller), political scientist, 514-398-4806. Prof Waller is an expert in U.S. budgetary process, American politics, Jewish political studies and Israeli politics.

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