Salah El Mestikawy /newsroom/taxonomy/term/7043/all en A treatment for anorexia nervosa? /newsroom/channels/news/treatment-anorexia-nervosa-357901 <p>A UUÖ±˛Ą-led research team working in collaboration with a French team (CNRS, INSERM and Sorbonne university) believes it has identified both the neurological mechanism underlying anorexia nervosa as well as a possible cure.</p> Mon, 08 Jul 2024 14:19:45 +0000 311140 at /newsroom 24 MATINS | Et si Alzheimer n’était pas une maladie complètement neurodĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative? /newsroom/channels/news/24-matins-et-si-alzheimer-netait-pas-une-maladie-completement-neurodegenerative-284611 <p>Pour le professeur <strong>Salah El Mestikawy</strong> de l’universitĂ© UUÖ±˛Ą Ă  MontrĂ©al, “La plupart de ces baisses n’apparaissent qu’aux stades les plus tardifs de la maladie, Ă  tel point que cette perte pourrait aussi bien ĂŞtre une consĂ©quence de la maladie plutĂ´t que sa cause”.</p> <p><a href="">24 MATINS</a></p> Thu, 08 Feb 2018 19:44:51 +0000 32942 at /newsroom Alzheimer’s disease: neuronal loss very limited /newsroom/channels/news/alzheimers-disease-neuronal-loss-very-limited-283921 <p>Frequently encountered in the elderly, Alzheimer’s is considered a neurodegenerative disease, which means that it is accompanied by a significant, progressive loss of neurons and their nerve endings, or synapses. A joint French and Canadian study published in Scientific Reports now challenges this view.</p> Tue, 16 Jan 2018 21:09:32 +0000 32837 at /newsroom Scientists identify key gene associated with addiction /newsroom/channels/news/scientists-identify-key-gene-associated-addiction-254372 <p>A new study published in the journal <em>Molecular Psychiatry</em> by a team led by Salah El Mestikawy, Ph.D., researcher at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute (CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’île-de-MontrĂ©al), professor at UUÖ±˛Ą and head of research at CNRS INSERM UPMC in Paris, opens the field to new understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying addiction in humans. Tue, 04 Aug 2015 14:16:24 +0000 24381 at /newsroom