
Projet de loi 21: des risques pour la santé publique, disent des experts incluant Dre Rousseau à La Presse

Published: 23 May 2019

Hausse de la discrimination, de la détresse psychologique, des crimes haineux : le projet de loi sur la laïcité comporte des « risques non négligeables » sur la santé publique, avancent des experts...

Dr Pineau parle de l’intelligence artificielle au service de la médecine à La Presse

Published: 23 May 2019

L’intelligence artificielle ne sert pas qu’à vous proposer des films sur Netflix. À l’Université UUÖ±²¥, la chercheuse Joëlle Pineau l’utilise pour mieux traiter l’épilepsie, concevoir des...

Opinion: Canadian mothers need a shift in the culture of maternity care; Dr Choudhary published in The Gazette

Published: 23 May 2019

Perhaps no one is prepared for the unique mix of numbing exhaustion and intense emotions at the beginning of motherhood. We read about it and we are told about it, but it’s not until we go through...

Collaborating with the City of Westmount to educate citizens on the reality of dementia with Dr Gauthier

Published: 17 May 2019

As the number of dementia cases increases with our aging population, more and more families will be called upon to manage an array of challenging behaviours and cope with the progression of...

35 000$ pour la santé mentale grace au soutien de Dr Tourian selon La Presse

Published: 17 May 2019

Le 15 mai dernier, Les Impatients ont clôturé la 8e exposition-encan Parle-moi d'amour Centre Wellington à Verdun, la principale activité de financement de l'organisme....

2019 RESEARCH DAY - Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at the Douglas!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Come celebrate the great research of the students and postdocs of the Douglas and the Department of Psychiatry! This event will include many activities:6825, boulevard LaSalle, Verdun, QC, H4H 1R3,...

Jay Olson (PhD candidate) is conjuring up a new approach to placebos with help from Drs Raz and Veissière

Published: 10 May 2019

Though placebos are inert, they often work even when people know they’re placebos. From his professional experience, (former amateur magician, Jay) Olson understands that the power of suggestion is...

Dr Turecki study of the correlation between suicide (unassisted) and depression highlighted in El Libero (Chile)

Published: 10 May 2019

Gustavo Turecki, director of the Department of Psychiatry at UUÖ±²¥ (Canada), investigates the correlation between suicide (unassisted) and depression. Although not all people suffering...


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