SMRC Scientific Series

Friday, September 15, 2023 12:00to13:00

Osteoarthritis: Myths and Misconceptions by Dr. Anthony Albers, MDCM, FRCSC, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Associate Professor, UUֱ./psychiatryCategory: Dept. of Psychiatry

Departmental Distinguished Grand Rounds

Thursday, September 28, 2023 12:00to13:30

The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive Behavior Therapy/psychiatryCategory: Dept. of Psychiatry

Dr. Simon Ducharme, Journal de Québec

Published: 25 August 2023

Tout ce que vous devez savoir à propos du donanemab: le nouveau médicament qui ralentit la maladie d'Alzheimer. Lire ici  

Dr. David Bloom named inaugural member of the Academy of Exemplary Physicians

Published: 19 June 2023

We are very proud to announce that Dr. David Bloom (Assistant Professor) has been selected as the inaugural member of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science’s Academy of Exemplary Physicians....

Dr Naguib Mechawar, Radio-Canada

Published: 19 June 2023

Au cœur de la banque de cerveaux de Montréal. Lire ici

Dr. Nicolas Cermakian, Drug Discovery News

Published: 6 June 2023

Immunologists hack body rhythms for medicine. Read more

Dr. Gustavo Turecki, CBC News

Published: 6 June 2023

This Montreal lab houses thousands of brains. Listen here

Dre Cécile Rousseau, La Presse

Published: 1 June 2023

Des expertes veulent « aplatir la courbe » de la violence au Québec. Lire ici

Appointment of New Program Director, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Published: 16 May 2023

We are please to announce the appointment of Dr. Cristina Ionescu as the next Program Director for the Child and Adolescent psychiatry subspecialty Program, effective July 1, 2023. Dr. Ionescu...


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