
Watch video: Tools and resources for evolving your website

We were very pleased by the turnout at our recent Web Services presentation, co-presented by members of UU直播's Communications and External Relations and IT Services teams.

Thank you to everyone who came out to our recent Web Services community presentation, "Tools and resources for evolving your website". Over 200 members of the UU直播 community registered for the event!

Topics we covered included:

  • An overview of UU直播's Web Evolution Program
  • Information about new/upcoming resources:
    • Web Services website
    • UU直播's new digital standards
    • Design system for websites
    • Content training courses
    • WMS lightning round: New tools and features in the WMS
  • Additional community announcements

If you weren't able to attend the presentation, you can watch a video recording below, or your can view the e by logging into OneDrive with your UU直播 ID.

Looking forward to seeing you at our future events!

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