8th Annual Conference of the YCC

On May 10-11, 2019, UUֱ Law and the Crépeau Centre hosted the 8th Annual Conference of the Younger Comparativists Committee (YCC) of the American Society of Comparative Law (ASCL). The conference aimedto highlight, develop, and promote the scholarship of younger scholars of Comparative Law. For further information, visit the .

May 10, 2019


Registration and Lunch(Atrium)


Welcome and Keynote Speech(Moot Court)

Track A (Room 101)

Track B (Room 200)

Track C (Room 201)

Track D (Room 312)


1A - Constitutional Law & Politics

Chair: Aikaterini Tsampi

Bashir Mobasher, Mohammad:File Examining ethnic accomodation and coalition-building under alternative forms of government in Afghanistan

Rezaur Rahman, Muhammad:File Plausibility of converging ‘State religion’ and ‘Secularism’ in the constitution of Bangladesh: Can the UK and Sweden's harmonized State-religion relation be an answer?

Rodean, Neliana R.:File Trilogy of challenges and threats in constitutional change: populism, (un)constitutional amendments and constitutionalism

1B - Legality, Structures & Values of the Law

Chair: Geneviève Painter

Cheung, Alvin Y.H.:File Measuring the measures: Creating the conditions for abusive legalism

Tranfo, Alessia:File Common values and religious freedom: A difficult coexistence

Tofighi Darian, Marzieh:File Religion, courts and constitutional reasoning: The efficacy of constitutional courts' jurisprudence in religiously

1C - Privacy Issues

Chair: Claudia Haupt

Przemysław, Pałka:File Privacy policies in the US and the EU: Between markets and human Rights

Olteanu, Luminita:File Mapping the origins of reputation as a requirement for dilution protection in the European legislation – a pre-harmonisation comparative law exercise

Jasiński, Wojciech: File The optimum model of compensation for wrongful preliminary detention - comparative perspective

1D - Arbitration & Legal Process

Chair: Rehan Abeyratne

Chen, Yihua:File The regulation of third-party funding of international arbitration: in the comparative perspectives of law, economics and judiciary

Eva, Litina:File Comparative insights into maritime arbitration: The case of international contracts for the carriage of goods by sea

King, Alyssa:File Global civil procedure



Track A (Room 101)

Track B (Room 200)

Track C (Room 201)

Track D (Room 312)


2A - Latin American Public Law in Times of Change

Chair: Ignacio Cofone

Pou Giménez, Francisca:File Exploring the role of socioeconomic discrimination law in Latin America

Bezerra Nunes, Rafael:File Internal judicial independence and Internet application blockings: The Brazilian WhatsApp case

Garcia-Huidobro, Eugenio:File Marketization of government and separation of powers: An oxymoron?

2B - Criminal Law

Chair: Sacha Raoult

Kremens, Karolina:File Prosecutorial or judicial powers to issue search warrants during criminal investigation in comparative perspective

Cox, Brian L.:File Recklessness and war crimes: Exploring the role of State practice and int'l criminal tribunals in establishing customary int'l humanitarian law

Militello, Elena:File Can we afford our constitutions? The justifications for plea bargaining through comparative lenses.

2C - Human & Social Rights

Chair: Jonas-Sébastien Beaudry

Ryan, Clare:File Leveraging children: Using the child as a bargaining chip in the US ansEurope

Tsampi, Aikaterini:File “Détournement de pouvoir” à la française and“Misuse of Power” under Article 18 ECHR: high time for a comparison

Ding, Wenwen:File Unexpected historical parallels: the advent of the labor problem andgovernmental responses in China andthe US

2D - Economics market& Public Finances

Chair: Vincent Forray

Baraggia, Antonia:File Economic inequality andfederal systems: a comparative analysis

Vargas Weil, Ernesto:File Developing a method for comparative law andEconomics

Kumarage, Achalie M.:File Oversimplifying legal realities: Gender indicators andaspiring law reforms based on skewed outcomes

Marchese, Claudia:File Territorial inequalities andsocial rights protection standards: a comparative analysis of the Italian andthe Spanish cases in the light of the public finance discipline


Cocktail and Dean's Welcome(Atrium)

May 11, 2019




Prize Winner Presentation(Moot Court)

Track A (Room 102)

Track B (Room 201)

Track C (Room 101)

Track D (Room 200)

Track E (Room 202)


3A - Damages & Liability

Chair: Shauna Van Praagh

Katsivela, Marel:File Concept of damage

Jin Park, Hai:File Class action scarcity: An empirical analysis of securities class action in Korea

Sion Giaoui, Frank:File How comparative (empirical) analysis can help turn facts into legal guidelines andreduce judicial uncertainty: application to damages quantum

Wojturska, Weronika:File The concept of the contribution of the aggrieved party andmedical malpractice - comparative perspective

3B - Mixed Jurisdiction: Comparison & Methodologies

Chair: Vincent Forray

Sun, Mingyu:File A comparative research on the method of fitting statistical inference into law context between civil law andcommon law

Wiacek, Michal :File National judge of the EU member State andmixed jurisdiction

3C - Law & Technology

Chair: Clare Ryan

Corradi, Marco-Claudio:File Founders’ groundbreaking technological innovation andtheir duty of loyalty to the corporation

Haupt, Claudia E.:File A comparative perspective on online speech

Heldt, Amelie:File Merging free speech and content moderation: a social public forum?

Rojas Jara, Paulina:File Smart cities in Europe andLatin America: A comparative analysis

3D - Thinking Law, Thinking Society

Chair: Alexandra Popovici

Tourkochoriti, Ioanna:File Should the law regulate historical memory?

Ross, Sara G.:File Comparative Approaches to Property Law’s Legal Toolbox for Facilitating the Localization of International Cultural Heritage Preservation Frameworks in Canada: Heritage Preservation and Conservation Easements, Agreements, Covenants, and Trusts

Habermacher, Adrien:File Comparing legal education within Canada: New tools to go beyond the usual distinctions

3E - Private Law

Chair: Lionel Smith

Liew, Ying Khai:File Remedial approaches to proprietary estoppel — Lessons from England, Australia, Canada andSingapore

Lee, Joyman:File “Core” and“non-core” trustee duties in English andAsian civil law trusts

Von Schütz, Konstanze:File The horror vacui of the common law of property


Lunch: (Thompson House Ball Room - 3650 McTavish)

Track A (Room 101)

Track B (Room 102)

Track C (Room 202)

Track D (Room 201)


4A - Socio-Political Influences & the Law

Chair: Antonia Baraggia

Daniel Alati:File The lasting impact of UN Security Council Resolution 1373 on due process in Canada andthe UK: Historical precursors to the use of secret evidence in civil litigation

Galli, Luca:File The path towards integration. An administrative law analysis of the migration flows management

Hudson, Graham:File Constitutional learning andsecret law in comparative perspective

4B - Law & Blockchain

Chair: Jurgen Goossens

Andhov, Alexandra:File Voting of blockchain: opportunities andliabilities

Stratiev, Oleg:File Taxation of blockchain networks andtheir participants

Gueissaz, Matthieu:File How Swiss securities law's adaptation to EU standards will impact security token offerings in Switzerland

4C - Criminal Law & Justice

Chair: Marie Manikis

Da Silva, Michael:File On cruel andunusual ‘treatment’: Understanding a comparative constitutional rarity

Raoult, Sacha et Derbey, Arnaud(Manikis, Marie):File Understanding the social functions of pre-trial detention: A comparative study between Canada and France

Gacka, Patryk: Mechanisms of negociated justice in international criminal law? Reflections upon axiological limits of transplantation

4D - CriticalConstitutional Law

Chair: Mugambi Jouet

Reznik, Rafi:File Purposive originalism: The rise of American conservatism in Israel

Sen, Jhuma:File Continuities, breaks andtransformations: Registers of transformative constitutionalism in India

Pasarlay, Shamshad:File The dangers of deemphasizing individual andgroup interests in constitution-making: Afghanistan andbeyond



Track A (Room 102)

Track B (Room 201)

Track C (Room 202)

Track D (Room 101)


5A - Ruling, Adjudication & the Power of Judges

Chair: Alyssa King

Abeyratne, Rehan:File Towering judges in comparative perspective

Bechard-Torres, Edward:File Reconciling structural change andjudicial competence in Canada andColombia

Bellavance, Chantal:File Putting the inscrutable under scrutiny

5B - Business Law & Finance

Chair: Marco-ClaudioCorradi

Passador, Maria Lucia (Mosca, Chiara):File Shareholder behavior at controlled companies: The strange case of tenured voting

Rahimi, Haroun:File How to create effective formal credit Institutions using informal institutions: A case study of Hawala regulations in Afghanistan

Passador, Maria Lucia:File In vogue again: The re-rise of SPACs in the IPO market

5C - Environmental Law

Chair: Sébastien Jodoin

Chen, Ling:File Optimizing climate cooperation: A comparative study of mega-environmental agreements andmini-clubs

Goossens, Jurgen:File Judges for climate - Is it up to the courts to save the planet?

Joachim, Claire:File European andChinese environmental protection: a convergence? Some issues about legal cultures

5D - Global/ Comparative Constitutional Law

Chair: Ioanna Tourkochoriti

Bacis, Davide:File Is there a global constitutional law? The case of the right to the truth

Girard, Raphaël:File From ochlochracy to juristocracy: A comparative analysis of the legitimacy of constitutional review in the US andFrance across time

Topidi, Kyriaki:File Comparative constitutional law, normative pluralism anddiversity management: Towards a right to difference

The Crépeau Centre thanks the and thefor their financial support.

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