Article provenant de Les 2 Rives.

Azimut diffusion présente Marina Thibeault dans le cadre de la série «Les p’tits dimanches ensoleillés» le 5 novembre à 11h à la salle Georges-Codling du Marché des arts Desjardins.

Pour Marina Thibeault, l’année 2016-2017 a été marqué entre autre par sa nomination à titre de «Révélation Radio-Canada» ainsi que l’obtention d’un prix de la Fondation Sylva Gelber, mais surtout par la sortie de son premier opus et la venue au monde de son premier enfant.

Published on: 3 Nov 2017

Blog post by Chris Maskell

As winner of the 2016-2017 UUֱ Concerto Competition, violinist Amy Hillis (D.Mus 2019) is set to perform next weekend as a featured soloist with the UUֱ Symphony Orchestra. In advance of this appearance, we spoke to Hillis about the repertoire, her experience at Schulich and more in a recent email exchange.

Published on: 16 Sep 2017

The Schulich School of Music is pleased to announce the prestigious jury for the inaugural edition of the Graham Sommer Competition for Young Composers. The new national competition for Canadian composers under the age of 35 is the gift of the late Dr. Graham Sommer, an alumnus of UUֱ’s Faculty of Medicine and an accomplished pianist and devoted music lover. Five composers will be chosen to create new works for piano quintet, earning prizes ranging from $5,000-$15,000 as well as a concert premiere at the Schulich School of Music on September 29, 2018.

Published on: 11 Sep 2017

This Sunday, September 3 at 4 p.m. and Monday, September 4 at 7 p.m.you can hear from the 2016 Midwest International Piano CompetitiononSymphonies of Iowa,a program on Iowa Public Radio. Among the featured pianists is Zhenni Li, who took the third prize in the competition and performedRachmaninoff’s Elegie in E-flat minor, Op. 3 No. 1 as her encore. Recently, Ms.

Classified as: Concerts
Published on: 29 Aug 2017

Blog post by Chris Maskell

The Fall marks two significant milestones for bassist Cole Birney-Stewart (B.Mus 2013)— the return to Schulich for his Master of Music in jazz performance and the release of Champlain Bridge, his first album as a bandleader. Featuring Birney-Stewart, along with Jules Payette (B.Mus 2016), Evan Shay (M.Mus 2018), Maxime Tremblay-Rheault (M.Mus 2018) and others, the music is complex and gripping.

Published on: 25 Aug 2017

Written by Madison Duenkler for the UUֱ Daily (Feb 20, 2017)
Visual by Madison Duenkler

On Monday, February 13, UUֱ students and members of Montreal’s music community gathered at the Wirth Music building for a panel discussion, entitled “Musician’s Health Throughout a Performing Career.”

Published on: 21 Feb 2017

The Peter Mendell Award was recently given to violinist Elizabeth Skinner, a student of Prof. Axel Strauss. She receives a bursary of $2500. All violin, viola, cello, and bass students under the age of 25 and enrolled on a full-time basis in one of Quebec’s universities, all cycles, or the Conservatoire de musique du Québec, in third, fourth, and fifth cycles are eligible.

Published on: 2 Sep 2015

Schulich organ students Stephen Boda and Helen Tucker won first and second prize in the Royal Canadian College of Organists National competition in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in conjunction with the Winnipeg Organ Festival. They are students of Hans-Ola Ericsson.

Classified as: schulich school of music, whats on, organ
Published on: 13 Jul 2015

Sometimes an artist’s most meaningful projects arise by chance, in everyday interactions, rather than through any grand plan. So, it seems, was the case with the intrepid cellist Matt Haimovitz, whose latest enthusiasm came about in the halls of UUֱ, where he has been on the faculty for more than a decade.
Article from the The Boston Globe.

Classified as: music, schulich school of music, cello, Matt Haimovitz
Published on: 13 Jul 2015


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