
Frequently asked questions

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CEGEP Admission Questions

I come from CEGEP. What prerequisite math courses do I need?

See UU直播 Pre-University DEC requirements

  • Calculus 1
  • Calculus 2
  • Linear Algebra
If I took Economics or Accounting in High School/CEGEP, will I be exempted from these courses at UU直播?

Normally, students will not be exempted based on high school or CEGEP level courses. Students who feel they have a strong foundation in a particular subject may write mathematics and science placement tests at the time of their admission.

Is there an advantage to completing the Commerce program at CEGEP before entering the BCom?

Students do not receive credit or exemption from courses completed at CEGEP. Students who follow the Commerce program at CEGEP receive an introduction to many of the topics they will cover in their Bachelor of Commerce degree. Conversely, students who follow one of the other programs at CEGEP receive a more rounded, diverse background.

General Admission Questions

If I am a student from a province outside of Quebec, must I complete CEGEP?

No. CEGEP is intended for students from Quebec. Information on UU直播 requirements can be found on the Applying to UU直播 website.

What G.P.A. is required to transfer to UU直播?

Information on Inter-Faculty and other universities transfers can be found on the Applying to UU直播 website.

As a transfer student, what kind of advanced credits and/or standing will I receive?

Wherever possible, advanced standing will be granted by the UU直播 Office at the time of acceptance. In many instances, however, courses have to be evaluated for content. This is done by the Faculty when the student arrives. It is the student's responsibility to provide the appropriate professor or area coordinator with a detailed course outline, including the text(s) used.

Can I obtain my degree from three certificates in Management as is the current policy in some of the francophone universities?

This option is not available at UU直播. Students in the Certificate of Management at Continuing Education considering a Bachelor's degree should apply into the Bachelor of Commerce program as early as possible

Am I allowed to combine Majors in the Desautels Faculty of Management with the Faculty of Arts or Science?

No. Management students may only take the Majors programs offered by the Desautels Faculty of Management. These include Accounting, Economics, Finance, Information Systems, Labour-Management Relations, Marketing, Mathematics, Organizational Behaviour & Strategic Management. Management students may however complete a Faculty of Arts or Science Minor.

When do I have to declare my Major/Concentration?

You should declare your major/concentration any time up to your second to last year. You will have the opportunity to meet with an advisor to discuss your options. Exceptions: The Major in Economics program must be declared in U1 (sophomore year) as the required Economics or Statistics courses are different for these students.

What Minors am I allowed to complete?

Students in the Desautels Faculty of Management are permitted to follow any of the .

Program Structure

What are the differences between the two Options of the BCom Program?

General Management, as the name indicates, is the most general of the options. Students may combine a Concentration (Management specialization) with a second Concentration, a Minor (from Arts or Science), or an approved set of Structured Electives.

Major or Honours, offers the most focused study in one specific area. Students must complete a minimum of 30 credits (ten courses) within this option.

Do I have to follow the Core courses according to the sequence listed in the calendar?

For the most part yes, especially in the first year. It is important to take the courses indicated in the first year since they are prerequisite to other courses. After the first year, course selection will vary depending on the concentration selected.

Can I complete my degree in less than the normal allotted time?

It is possible by taking summer courses, or an overload, to accelerate the completion of the degree. Students are not permitted to take an overload (more than 15 credits) in their first year, and may only do so in subsequent years, if their GPA on a full load of courses is 3.0 or better. One must take into consideration that course availability in the summer is limited.

Career Services

Does the BCom program offer a co-op program?

No. Undergraduate BCom students can apply for a wide variety of employment opportunities and work with their Career Advisor to validate whether a particular opportunity will help them acquire the practical business experience needed to make important career choices. These employment opportunities are not a required component of the degree program. Students in the International Management Program & Sustainability may need to participate in an International Internship to fulfil their Experiential Learning Component.
Visit the Career Management Office.

BCom Student Affairs Office

BCom Student Affairs Office

Providing students with ongoing advice and guidance on all aspects of the BCom academic program.

Academic advisors help students make informed decisions.

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