Meet the EDI Advocates

Our EDI Advocates:Leela BaldeoSusanne Baumann-MoroyNoémie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne Amin Emad | Nia Fernandez Kaila FolinsbeeAntonella Fratino Parisa Hassani Andrew KirkFabrice LabeauBrett MeyerPhilippe Ouzilleau Renée Pellissier Nasim RazaviniaRachel SchaftsNathalie Tufenkji Ipek TureliSteve Yue

Faculty of Engineering building manager Leela Baldeo

Leela Baldeo

“I manage all buildings belonging to the Faculty of Engineering. With a background in construction project coordination and facilities management, I strive to provide an inclusive and accessible environment to all. Born and raised in the Montreal community and growing up in a West Indian household, I am an active participant and volunteer in cultural activities which promote awareness on equity and diversity issues. As an equity ambassador, I hope to offer my skills and experiences to increase knowledge within our community"

Macdonald Engineering Building,Room 378

Tel: 514-398-6452
Email: leela.baldeo [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me:Feel free to contact me by email - leela.baldeo [at] mcgill.ca

HR Advisor of the Faculty of Engineering and member of the “Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines",  Susanne Baumann-Moroy

Susanne Baumann-Moroy

"I am the HR Advisor of the Faculty and a member of the “Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines". I studied business administration and labor law and have worked in the private service industry in France, the USA and Germany before I immigrated to Canada in 2006.I joined the Faculty of Engineering in 2009, my role is to support career development and ensure fair working conditions for an equitable workplace to all."

Macdonald Engineering Building, Room 378

Best way to reach me:susanne.baumann-moroy [at] mcgill.ca

Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Noémie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne

Noémie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne

“I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering. My research group is interested in developing new materials to solve sustainability and health challenges. I was born and raised in Québec, but I also spent 7 years in Boston (USA) for my graduate and postdoctoral studies. As a woman in STEM, the topics of equity, diversity and inclusion are very important to me on both personal and professional levels. I am committed to creating favorable learning and research environments at UUֱ, including in my own diverse research team. As a Faculty Equity Ambassador, I wish to contribute to the well-being of the UUֱ community and to promote equity principles in engineering.”

M.H. Wong Building, Room 4190

Tel: 514-398-4301
Email: noemie.dorvalcourchesne [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me: Send me an email, and we will find a time to meet. You can also stop by my office and see if I am around.

Portrait of Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Amin Emad

Amin Emad

“I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. My research group focuses on developing machine learning approaches in bioinformatics. I was born and raised in Iran and lived in the US and western Canada before coming to UUֱ. I am a member of the UUֱ Joint Board-Senate Committee on Equity: the Subcommittee on Persons with Disabilities. Making UUֱ a more accessible environment for everyone is very important to me. As an Equity Ambassador I aim to support all members of our community by fostering equitable practices, celebrating diversity and ensuring inclusion.”

McConnell Engineering Building, Room 755

Best way to reach me:Feel free to contact me by email - amin.emad [at] mcgill.ca

Nia Fernandez

Nia Fernandez

“I am the inaugural Manager of E-IDEA (Engineering Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity Advancement), overseeing the umbrella of EDI initiatives led by the Faculty of Engineering. Leveraging my multidisciplinary background in science, engineering, leadership, and social advocacy, as well as my personal lived experience, I strive to influence socially responsible and sustainable strategies. I’m passionate about integrating and normalizing EDI within the fabric of Engineering. My vision is for a consistent commitment at all levels—and especially from Engineering leadership—to catalyze organizational change and foster a more inclusive academic landscape for all.”

Macdonald Engineering Building, Room 392

Tel: 514-396-1546
Email: stephanie.fernandez [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me: By email or MS Teams

Associate Director of the UUֱ Engineering Student Centre, Kaila Folinsbee

Kaila Folinsbee

“My role as the Associate Director of the UUֱ Engineering Student Centre gives me the opportunity to meet students, staff and faculty from across the University and from many different backgrounds. MESC exists to offer academic and career support and resources to students, and I’m committed to developing and improving fair and equitable practices that support the principles of diversity and inclusion in the Faculty of Engineering. I have been working at UUֱ since 2016, and joined the Faculty of Engineering in 2018; I previously worked at Dawson College and Iowa State University."

MaGill Engineering Student Centre
Frank Dawson Adams Building, Room 22

Tel: 514-398-7637
Email: kaila.folinsbee [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me:Feel free to contact me by email - kaila.folinsbee [at] mcgill.ca

Antonella Fratino

Antonella Fratino

"I am the Communications Officer for the Faculty of Engineering and have a background in literature, art, and communications. I am excited to be an Equity Ambassador and a Safer Space Ally in the Faculty of Engineering, as I believe raising awareness of, and engagement in, matters of diversity, inclusivity, and intersectionality is crucial indismantling systemic inequity. I am committed to promoting a safe and fair environment for all UUֱ staff, students, and community members."

MacdonaldEngineering Building, Room 378

Email:antonella.fratino [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me:You can contact me by antonella.fratino [at] mcgill.ca (email)or MS Teams to set upa meeting, but I also welcome drop-ins.

Parisa Hassani

Parisa Hassani

"I am currently the digital communications and outreach associate for TISED. As we look toward the future, equity, diversity, and inclusion are all issues of growing importance when discussing and implementing sustainability practices. As a first-generation Canadian, I believe that creating an environment that values EDI is imperative. As an equity ambassador, I will continue to learn about and practice these values so that UUֱ is a safe space for all."

Email:parisa.hassani [at] mcgill.ca

Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Andrew Kirk

Andrew Kirk

"I am professor inthe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and also Director of the UUֱ Institute for Advanced Materials. I was born and educated in the UK and have lived and worked in Japan, Belgium, Australia and the US in addition to Canada. During my time at UUֱ I have participated in and led several projects and workshops focused on improving university teaching and learning. I am very proud to be an equity ambassador for the Faculty of Engineering."

McConnell Engineering Building,Room 633

Email:andrew.kirk [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me: Please either mail me at andrew.kirk [at] mcgill.ca so that we can arrange a time to chat, or pass by my office during my office hours (to check my current office hours please go to http://www.photonics.ece.mcgill.ca/Kirk/Kirk.html).

Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Interim Provost Student Life & Learning at UUֱ, Fabrice Labeau

Fabrice Labeau

"I am a Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and also Interim Provost Student Life & Learning at UUֱ. Born and raised in Belgium I immigrated to Canada in 2000. I spend a fair amount of my time volunteering for technology- and education- related institutions, and I have been involved in several equity projects at UUֱ Engineering in the last few years."

Office of Student Life and Learning
James Administration Building, Room 621 (6th floor)

Tel: 514-398-3109
Email:fabrice.labeau [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me: Drop me an e-mail at fabrice.labeau [at] mcgill.ca and we can find a time to chat

Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brett Meyer

Brett Meyer

"I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. I was born and raised in the US, before immigrating to Canada in 2011 to join the faculty at UUֱ. In the US,I had the opportunity to live and work in a variety of communities, and have as a consequence become passionate about equity and social justice; I am consequently very proud to be an equity ambassador for the Faculty of Engineering.Equity and social justice are defining challenges facing society today, and I look forward to working to support our community at UUֱ in this role."

McConnell Engineering Building, Room 525

Tel: 514-398-4210
Email: brett.meyer [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me: Please send me an e-mail at brett.meyer [at] mcgill.ca, and we can find a time to talk.

Materials Engineering Assistant Professor, Philippe Ouzilleau

Philippe Ouzilleau

"As a (new) materials engineering assistant professor, I was quickly exposed to the opportunity that equity initiatives can provide to further enhance the university experience for the entire (and diverse) UUֱ community. I am proud to join the present ambassador programme to contribute (to the best of my abilities) to make all UUֱians feel like they belong. I like to think of myself as an open-minded individual, so feel free to write to me if you ever need to chat. As I always say, we are here to help.

M. H. Wong Building, Room 2M030

Tel: 514-398-1329
Email: philippe.ouzilleau [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me:Please contact me by email - philippe.ouzilleau [at] mcgill.ca

Renée Pellissier

Renée Pellissier

"I am the Program Lead for the E-IDEA Teamwork Initiative. Throughout the Faculty of Engineering, I facilitate specialized workshops aimed at teaching teamwork skills and building applicable knowledge around equity, diversity, and inclusion. Originally from the Canadian Prairies, I came to Quebec to study Human Relations and Human Systems Intervention, and have since worked in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. As an EDI Advocate, I am thrilled to offer my support, skills, and enthusiasm to creating an equitable and inclusive environment."

Best way to reach me:renee.pellissier [at] mcgill.ca

Engineering Programs Quality Assurance Lead in the Faculty of Engineering, Nasim Razavinia

Nasim Razavinia

"I am the Engineering Programs Quality Assurance Lead in the Faculty of Engineering and have a formal training in engineering. Born and raised in Iran, I immigrated to Canada in 2001 and have been a part of the UUֱ community since then. I believe in the power of diversity of minds, talents and ideas to shape the future growth. As a Faculty Equity Ambassador, I am committed to promote an inclusive, fair and respectful environment for all members of our community."

Macdonald Engineering Building, Room 386

Tel: 514-398-3865
Email: nasim.razavinia [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me: You can contact me by email or phone to set up a meeting.

Career Engineering Career Centre Advisor/Industry Liaison Associate, Rachel Schafts

Rachel Schafts

"I joined the Engineering Career Centre as a Career Advisor/Industry Liaison Associate in September 2019, after a 15-year career in human resources, recruitment and career transition advising. I have been fortunate to work, interact and train with people from all over the world having lived and worked in the USA, UK & Canada. In all of my roles, I have always maintained a strong commitment to ensuring fair and equitable practices, and to promoting principles of inclusion and diversity. I am excited to continue these important efforts as an Equity Ambassador for the Faculty working with both students and employers."

Best way to reach me: Contact me by email at rachel.schafts [at] mcgill.ca.

Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Nathalie Tufenkji

Nathalie Tufenkji

"I am a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering where I lead a richly diverse team of researchers working to solve problems related to environmental and public health. I am a descendent of Armenian immigrants and was born and raised in Québec. I serve as the Faculty Advisor to the UUֱ student chapter of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) as well as the chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE)."

M.H. Wong Building

Email:nathalie.tufenkji [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me:e-mail is best: nathalie.tufenkji [at] mcgill.ca

Associate Professor of Architecture and Canada Research Chair in Architectures of Spatial Justice, Ipek Türeli

Ipek Türeli

"I am an Associate Professor of Architecture and Canada Research Chair in Architectures of Spatial Justice. I have been teaching and researching about equity, diversity and inclusivity in the discipline and profession of architecture for a number of years. In relationship to this work, I have coordinated the Democracy, Space and Technology Research Group under the Yan P. Lin Centre. I am committed to making the School of Architecture a more family-friendly space; and recently formed a reading group with some of our graduate students on Race|Space to figure out how we can come up with actionable steps in making our School and institution more diverse and inclusive and in how we can decolonize our curriculum. As an equity ambassador, I hope to learn from colleagues and students and to work together to better our institution."

Best way to reach me by email:ipek.tureli [at] mcgill.ca

Professor Steve Yue

Steve Yue

"I've been prof at UUֱ for over 30 years, at various levels of bureaucracy, including Chairman of the Department, but I've been sensitive to equity and diversity since growing up in the north west of England in the fifties. I like to think I'm approachable and empathetic, but you can find out first hand!"

Pavillion M.H. Wong

E-mail:steve.yue [at] mcgill.ca

Best way to reach me:e-mail is best; steve.yue [at] mcgill.ca

UUֱ - and thus our Faculty - is on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations, a place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst nations.

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