
Publications récentes

Une liste à jour des publications du Dr Lubarsky est disponible .


*Reiter-Campeau S, Lubarsky S, Chalk CH, et al. 2023. . Neurology Education. 2(3).

*Szpindel A, Rahman T, Bouhadoun S, Lubarsky S, Moore F. 2023. . Canadian Journal of Neurological Science. 50(2):163-164. *Invited Commentary*

Lubarsky S. . 2021. UUÖ±²¥ Journal of Medicine. 19(2):ii-iii. *Invited Commentary*

Leclerc AA, Nguyen L, Charlin B, Lubarsky S, Ayad T. 2021. . Canadian journal of Surgery. 26;64(3):E317-E323.

Lubarsky S, Thomas A. 2020. . Medical Education. 55(1):108-111 *Invited Commentary*

Moore F, Buyukkurt A, Bouhadoun S, Lubarsky S. 2020. Don’t make the best of it, make it better: Matching medical students to residency programs in the time of Covid-19. Can J Neuro Sci, Oct 20:1-7 e-pub ahead of print. *Invited Commentary*

Lubarsky S. 2020. . Medical Education. 54(9):856-857.

Young ME, Thomas A, Lubarsky S, et al. 2020. BMC Medical Education. 20(1):107.

Thomas A, Lubarsky S, Varpio L, Durning S, Young M. 2020. . Advances in Health Sciences Education. 25(4):989-1002.

Charlin B, Deschenes MF, Dumas JP, Lecours J, Vincent AM, Kassis J, Guertin L, Gagnon R, Robert D, Foucault A, Lubarsky S, Fernandez F. 2019. (Designing a learning by concordance tool to develop professional reasoning skills: What are the steps to follow?) Pédagogie Médicale. 19(3):143-149.

Hutchison T, Snell L, Wiseman J, Lubarsky S. 2019. . Medical Education. 53(11):1141-1142.

Pelaccia T, Plotnick L, Audetat MC, Nendaz M, Lubarsky S, Torabi N, Thomas A, Young M, Dory V. 2019. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 75(2):206-217.

Young M, Thomas A, Gordon D, Gruppen L, Lubarsky S, et al. 2019. . Medical Teacher. 41(11):1277-1284.

*Bacchi S, Tan I, Chim I, Dabarno-Anacleto M, Lubarsky S, Duggan P. (2019). . Focus on Health Professional Education. 20(2):xxx.

Daniel M, Rencic J, Durning SJ, Santen S, Lang V, Gordon D, Heist B, Ratcliffe T, Lubarsky S, Estrada C, Holmboe E, Ballard T, Artino A, Hart A, Da Silva A, Cleary T, Stojan J, Gruppen LD. 2019. . Academic Medicine. 94(6):902-912.

Dory V, Allan K, Birnbaum L, Lubarsky S, Pickering J, Young M. 2019. Academic Medicine. 94(5):740.

*Fletcher A, Chen B, Benrimoh D, Shemie S, Lubarsky S. 2018. . Perspectives in Medical Education. 7(5):332-336.

Young M, Dory V, Lubarsky S, Thomas A. 2018. Academic Medicine. 93(9):1415.

Lubarsky S, Dory V, Meterissian S, Lambert C, Gagnon R. 2018. Perspectives in Medical Education. 7(3):174-181.

Young M, Thomas A, Lubarsky S, et al. 2018. Academic Medicine. 93(7):990-995.

Lubarsky S, Dory V, Audetat MC, Custers EJFM, Charlin B. 2015. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 6(2): e61-e70.

Durning S, Lubarsky S, Torre D, Dory V, Holmboe E. 2015. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 35(3):232–243.

Lubarsky S, Durning S, Charlin B. 2014. AM Last Page: The Script Concordance Test: A tool for assessing clinical data interpretation under conditions of uncertainty. Academic Medicine. 89(7); 1089.

Audétat MC, Lubarsky S, Blais JG, Charlin B. 2013. Creative Education. Vol 4, No. 6A, 42-48.

Lubarsky S, Gagnon R, Charlin B. 2013. Commentary: . Medical Education. 47(12):1159-61.

Lubarsky S, Dory V, Duggan P, Gagnon R, Charlin B. 2013. . Medical Teacher. 35(3):184-93.

Lubarsky S, Gagnon R, Charlin B. 2012. . Advances in Health Sciences Education. 17:11-13.

Charlin B, Lubarsky S, Millette B, et al. 2012. . Medical Education. 46(5):454-463.

Lubarsky S, Charlin B, Cook DA, Chalk, C & van der Vleuten C. 2011. . Medical Education. 45(4): 329-338.

Gagnon R, Lubarsky S, Lambert C, Charlin B. 2011. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 16(5): 601-608.

Charlin B, Gagnon R, Lubarsky S, Lambert C, Meterissian S, Chalk C, Goudreau J, van der Vleuten C. 2010. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 22(3): 180-186.

Lubarsky S, Chalk C, Kazitani D, Gagnon R, Charlin B. 2009. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. 36(3): 326-331.



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