Examples of Ongoing Research Funding and Projects

IWRM Program UUֱ - Ongoing Research

Examples of Ongoing Research Funding and Projects

  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Engage Grant:“A New Framework for Nonlinear Input Variable Selection Coupled with Ensemble-Wavelet-Machine Learning Methods with Uncertainty Assessments for Urban Water Demand Forecasting”.
  • MITACS Accelerate Grant:“Using Rate Setting to Control Municipal Water Consumption”.
  • New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission Grant:“Development of Ecosystem Indicators for the Lake Champlain Basin Program Adaptive Management Program”.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council(SSHRC) Standard Research Grant:“Agriculture, Water and Climate Change in Quebec Watersheds: Transforming Societal Institutions to Collaborative Adaptive Systems to Increase Social-Ecological Resilience”.
  • Fonds Québécois de la Recherche Sur la Nature et les Technologies(FQRNT) Grant:“Development of a New Method of Wavelet-Bootstrap-Neural Network Urban Water Demand Forecasting”.
  • Canada Foundation for Innovation - Leaders Opportunity Fund Grant:“Development of New Methods to Investigate and Predict Urban Heat Island Effects on Water Resources Using Remote Sensing and GIS”.
  • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAFRA) Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Grant:“Application of Participatory Model Building (PMB) to Enhance Knowledge Translation in Pollution Prevention in the Food Processing Sector”.
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant:“Development of New Frameworks and Tools for Sustainable Water Resources Management to Respond Effectively to Climate Change Variability in Canada”.
  • UUֱ Sustainability ProjectGrant:“Dew Water Harvesting for Irrigation and Educational Purposes on Macdonald Campus, UUֱ”.
  • UUֱ Sustainability ProjectGrant:“Rainwater Collection System for Sustainable Irrigation and Education on Macdonald Campus, UUֱ”.
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