
In the News

University Affairs | November 1, 2021
AMAZE: A UUֱ A-Z Experience also celebrates the university’s 200thbirthday.By Laura Beaulne-Stuebing.

Le Délit | 19 octobre 2021
ParLouise ToutéeetAymeric Tardif.

The Bull & Bear | February 13, 2020
By Makenna Crackower.

CBC Montreal | February 8, 2020
By Matt D'Amours.

UUֱ Tribune | February 4, 2020
By Hannah Murray.

Further Reading

Holland, Ann Marie. “In the Spirit of Horden.”Amphora Journal186 (Fall 2020): 24-31.

Williams, Lauren. Amphora Journal186 (Fall 2020): 3-6.

Dysert, A.,Garland, J., Holland, A.M.and L. Williams. "Toward a Book Arts Laboratory at UUֱ Library."Book Arts Canada, 10(1) (2019).

Holland, Ann Marie. "".Library Matters (December 2, 2019).

Holland, Ann Marie. “Noteworthy Iron Presses at the UUֱ Library.”Amphora Journal183 (Fall 2019): 24-28.

Pennington, Richard. " UUֱ Libraries, 1977.

Recorded Events

(December, 2021).

(November, 2021).

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