
Honours Microbiology and Immunology program


The Program

This 72-credit program combines the substantial background given by the Major program with a challenging opportunity to carry out a laboratory research project in the U-3 year.

The required courses in the Honours program provide a broad exposure to important areas in the biomedical sciences, as well as a high degree of specialization in these disciplines. Students are prepared for a significant research experience under the supervision of a professor in the Department. Those considering careers in research in the biological sciences or in medicine, or employment in the biotechnology field, are encouraged to take advantage of the special opportunities offered by this Honours program.

The Honours Research Project

The Independent Studies in Microbiology and Immunology (MIMM501/502) course provides students with a distinctive chance to acquire hands-on research expertise, devise and conduct scientific experiments employing advanced methods and equipment, and engage in the vibrant and creative exchanges pivotal to scientific breakthroughs.

Participants in this project course collaborate in the laboratory with a professor, graduate students, and research assistants over two terms. This experience cultivates their ability to convey scientific concepts through both written communication and seminar presentations (refer to the MIMM501/502 description for registration prerequisites).

Eligibility & Application Process

Prospective Honours program applicants are required to follow the U-1 and U-2 Major program courses. Attaining a minimum CGPA of 3.50 by the conclusion of the U-2 year is聽 required for eligibility in the Honours program during U-3. Admission to MIMM501/MIMM502 is limited and necessitates departmental approval.

To apply for the Honours program, interested students must submit a written request to the Student Affairs Officer at undergrad.microimm [at] mcgill.ca by Friday, January 12, 2024, including:

1. A brief statement expressing interest in MIMM 501/502 (1-2 sentences).
2. A clear indication of the selected subject area, such as Microbiology or Immunology.
3. A copy of unofficial transcript from UU直播.

Consult the following presentation for comprehensive details on eligibility criteria and the application process for the MIMM Honours Program:聽PDF icon MIMM Undergraduate Honours Program

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Honours Microbiology and Immunology(72 Credits)

    Offered by:Microbiology & Immunology
    Degree:Bachelor of Science

Program Requirement:

The Honours program is designed to offer, in addition to the substantial background given by the Major program, a significant research experience in a laboratory within the Department during the U3 year. Students are prepared for this independent research project by following an advanced laboratory course in U2. This program is intended to prepare students for graduate study in microbiology and immunology or related fields, but could also be chosen by students intending to enter medical research after medical school, or intending to enter the job market in a laboratory research environment.

Students intending to apply to Honours must follow the Major program in U1 and U2 and must obtain a CGPA of at least 3.50 at the end of their U2 year. For graduation in Honours, students must pass all required courses with a C or better, and achieve a sessional GPA of at least 3.30 in the U3 year.

U1 Required Courses (26 credits)

    * Students who have taken CHEM 212 in CEGEP are exempt and must replace these credits with an elective course(s).

    ** Students who have taken CHEM 222 in CEGEP are exempt and must replace these credits with an elective course(s).

    • BIOL 200 Molecular Biology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 202 Basic Genetics 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • CHEM 212 Intro Organic Chemistry 1 4 Credits*
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • CHEM 222 Intro Organic Chemistry 2 4 Credits**
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 211 Introductory Microbiology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 212 Laboratory in Microbiology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 214 Intro Immun: Elem of Immunity 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    One of:

    • BIOC 212 Molec Mechanisms of Cell Funct 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 201 Cell Biology & Metabolism 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    U1, U2, or U3 Required Course (3 credits)

    One of:

    • BIOL 373 Biometry 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MATH 203 Principles of Statistics 1 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 204 Intro to Psychological Stats 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    U2 Required Courses (19 credits)

    • BIOC 311 Metabolic Biochemistry 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 301 Scientific Writing Skills-MIMM 1 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 314 Intermediate Immunology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 323 Microbial Physiology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 324 Fundamental Virology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 384 Molecular Microbiology Lab 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 385 Laboratory in Immunology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    U3 Required Courses (15 credits)

    • MIMM 413 Parasitology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 501D1 Hons Research Proj - Immunol 6 Credits*
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 501D2 Hons Research Proj - Immunol 6 Credits*
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 502D1 Hons Research Proj - Microbiol 6 Credits*
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 502D2 Hons Research Proj - Microbiol 6 Credits*
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    * Students take either MIMM 501D1 and MIMM 501D2 or MIMM 502D1 and MIMM 502D2.

    U3 Complementary Courses (6 credits)

    6 credits selected from:

    • MIMM 414 Advanced Immunology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 465 Bacterial Pathogenesis 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 466 Viral Pathogenesis 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    Complementary Courses (3 credits)

    3 credits selected from:

    • ANAT 261 Intro to Dynamic Histology 4 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • ANAT 262 Intro Molecular &Cell Biol 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • ANAT 365 Cellular Trafficking 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • ANAT 458 Membranes & Cellular Signaling 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOC 312 Biochemistry of Macromolecules 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOC 404 Biophysical Methods in Biochem 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOC 450 Protein Structure and Function 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOC 454 Nucleic Acids 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOC 458 Membranes & Cellular Signaling 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 300 Molecular Biology of the Gene 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 309 Mathematical Models in Biology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 314 Molecular Biology of Cancer 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 520 Gene Activity in Development 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOT 505 Sel Topics in Biotechnology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • CHEM 203 Survey of Physical Chemistry 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • CHEM 204 Physical Chem/Biological Scis1 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • CHEM 302 Intrdctry Organic Chemistry 3 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • COMP 204 Comp. Programming for Life Sci 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • COMP 206 Intro to Software Systems 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • COMP 250 Intro to Computer Science 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • EXMD 504 Biology of Cancer 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 387 The Business of Science 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 390 SEA-PHAGES: Phage Discovery 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 391 SEA-PHAGES: Genome Annotation 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 414 Advanced Immunology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 465 Bacterial Pathogenesis 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 466 Viral Pathogenesis 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 509 Inflammatory Processes 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PATH 300 Human Disease 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHAR 300 Drug Action 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHAR 301 Drugs and Disease 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHAR 562 Neuropharmacology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHAR 563 Endocrine Pharmacology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHGY 209 Mammalian Physiology 1 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHGY 210 Mammalian Physiology 2 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYT 455 Neurochemistry 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

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