
Addressing sexual violence

Message from the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic), Prof. Christopher Manfredi
Published: 25 February 2017

Media reports of events involving an executive of one of UUֱ's student associations have raised questions from some members of the community about whether the University’s Policy against Sexual Violence, approved by Senate and Board last fall, applies to members of student societies. This Policy was drafted with the deliberate intention of applying universally across the University. Indeed, section1 of the Policy makes clear that it applies to "all Members of the University Community," which includes faculty, staff, and students. It, and theCode of Student Conductand Disciplinary Procedures,therefore applyto students who hold positions within governance bodies of student associations and conduct themselves in a way that constitutes sexual violence.

UUֱ condemns all acts of violence, and reaffirms its staunch commitment “to creatingand sustaining a safe environment through proactive, visible, accessible and effective approaches that seek to prevent and respond to Sexual Violence,” as expressly stated in our Policy. The University is continuing its efforts in relation to sexual violence awareness and education, and I stress that reportsof sexual violence are taken seriouslyanddulyinvestigated in accordance with applicable University regulations and policies. In this respect, UUֱ isguided by three core principles:ensuring support and respect for survivors, protecting confidentiality of the parties, andsafeguarding procedural fairness.

Let me close by thanking you for your collaboration in the ongoing, critical work of addressing sexual violence.

Prof. Christopher Manfredi
Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)


UUֱ’s Office of Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education
BiancaTétrault,t.s., Liaison Officer, Harm Reduction
ձ:514.398.3796 bianca.tetrault [at] mcgill.ca
EmilieMarcotte, M.S.W., SexualViolence Response Advisor
ձ:514.398.4486 emilie.marcotte [at] mcgill.ca
UUֱ Support Resources: /saap/support-resources

Sexual Assault Centre of the UUֱ Students’ Society (SACOMSS)

UUֱ Counselling and Mental Health Services
514.398.3601(Downtown) 514.398.7992(Macdonald Campus)

UUֱ Student Health Services
514.398.6017(Downtown) 514.398.7991 (Macdonald Campus)

UUֱ Employee AssistanceProgram (for all UUֱ employees)

Montreal Sexual Assault Centre
24/7 helpline:514.934.4504,1.800.933.9007

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