2022 Poster Gallery

View the posters that were presented at the Undergraduate Poster Showcase on March 15, 2022! All students presented virtually via Zoom.

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Presenter Department Poster (click to view)
Adeline Wang Pharmacology and Therapeutics PDF icon The Effect of Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardants and Plasticizers on Hormone Production
Aelis Spiller Earth System Science PDF icon Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Permafrost Peat Altered by Gradual Drying but depends on Landscape Position and Peat Biogeochemistry
Amos Zhang Biochemistry PDF icon Reconstructing the Parallel Folding Pathways of Intercalating Motifs by Thermo Hysteresis
Amrita Gosaine Anatomy and Cell Biology PDF icon Plasma Fibronectin Regulates Whole Body Insulin Sensitivity and Adipose Tissue Cellularity in Mice on Normal Diet
Ann Huang Neuroscience PDF icon Predicting Autism Spectrum Disorder via Graph Classification on Brain Networks
Ann Huang Neuroscience PDF icon Apparent “Time” Cells Encode Behaviourally Relevant Variables in Recurrent Networks
Anya Mueller Biology PDF icon The Different Geographic and Habitat Signatures of CO1 and 12s eDNA Metabarcoding Communities in Haida Gwaii
April C. Lee Cognitive Science PDF icon Symbolic Thinking: Should You Go Abstract or Concrete with Your Child's Math?
Beryl Arnould Anatomy and Cell Biology Anatomical Variations of the Liver and its Suspensory System: A Cadaver-based Study
Bianca Matthews Psychology PDF icon The Behavioural Effect of Varying Pain Medicines on Mice Models of Chronic Pain
Bianca Pozzebon Microbiology and Immunology PDF icon Investigations into the Genetic Aspect of Bipolar Disorder among Mood Disorders
Cat Wang Anatomy and Cell Biology PDF icon Student Approach to Learning and Visuospatial Ability as Independent Predictors of Academic Performance in Human Anatomy
Cathy Shen Biochemistry PDF icon Thermal Tolerance Experiment for the Determination of Optimal, Lethal and Near Lethal Temperatures for Daphnia Pulex
Catriona Daley Natural Resource Science PDF icon A Vulnerability Assessment of the Impacts of Agriculture on Bats in Quebec
Celeste Groux Mathematics PDF icon Improving Temporal Graph Network Messaging
Charlotte Goldberger Philosophy PDF icon Impacts of the Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Eruption on Aviation
Cindy Gao Biology PDF icon The Effect of Thermal Stress on Ecosystem Functions and Invertebrate Communities of Mussel Beds Over Time
Crystal Yang Psychology PDF icon Cognitive Performance at Midlife and Menopause In Relation to Prefrontal Cortical Thickness
Daria-Salina Storch Biology PDF icon Developmental Changes in Parvalbumin Neurons across the Sensitive Period for Vocal Learning
Darren Li Biology PDF icon Canada’s 30% by 2030 - Optimizing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Conservation in Canada
Eden Pletner Anatomy and Cell Biology PDF icon Investigating the Role of Fibronectin in Skeletal Development
Elaine Lee Pharmacology and Therapeutics PDF icon Organophosphate Esters Affect The Expression of Key Steroidogenesis Transcripts in KGN Human Granulosa Cells
Eleanor Reilly Bieler School of Environment PDF icon Macdonald Student-run Ecological Garden (MSEG)
Elif Irmak Bektas Interdepartmental Honours program in Immunology PDF icon Thermal Tolerance Experiment for the Determination of Optimal, Lethal and Near Lethal Temperatures for Daphnia Pulex
Elisheva Eisenberg Biology PDF icon Surgical Management and Contralateral Breast Cancer Risk in Women with a History of Radiation Therapy for Hodgkin Lymphoma
Ella Vezina Psychology PDF icon Does the Direction of Social Contingency Matter for Word Learning from Screens in Toddlers?
Emmanuelle Melis Sustainability, Science & Society PDF icon Socioeconomic Differences among Spatial Distribution of Food Production and Distribution Points for Commercial Urban Farms in Chicago, IL
Evan R. S. Buddle Pharmacology and Therapeutics PDF icon Conservation of Mechanisms Regulating TGFBR3L/Tgfbr3l Transcription
Fahima Khan Physiology PDF icon Global Coherent Motion Detection by Mice Models
Fern Lou Fernandez Social Work PDF icon SHIFT: Working for Change in Participatory Research
Glisant Plasa Neuroscience and Physiology PDF icon Death Signal: Reinforcement Learning to Induce Cardiac Arrhythmia
Glory Chima Psychology PDF icon The Effects of Perfectionism on the Experience of Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hannah Shiller Psychology PDF icon Trait Concepts Vary By Target Because of Assumed Context
Hanning Shi Biochemistry
Hifza Randhawa Neurology and Neurosurgery PDF icon Preference of Visual Stimuli in Mice
Isaac Bouhdana Neuroscience PDF icon How Engaging is Virtual Learning?
Isabella Gavanski Psychology PDF icon Pregnancy Related Anxiety Increases Risk of Child Conduct and Hyperactivity Problems: Do Fathers Play a Role?
Jade Ducharme Physics PDF icon Using Statistics to Probe the Early Universe
Jaea Kleinberg Bieler School of Environment and Philosophy PDF icon Environmental Considerations for Space Launches as seen with NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission
Janice To Pharmacology and Therapeutics PDF icon Generating Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Endothelial Cells for Pharmacological Testing
Jasmine Kotsiopoulos Psychology PDF icon The COVID-19 Pandemic: How the Big Five Personality Traits Relate to Emotional Coping During A Pandemic
Jasper Zarkower Earth System Science PDF icon Modelling the Effects of Climate Change on Southern Ocean Sea Ice
Jialin Liu Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences PDF icon Understanding Organizations of Convection Over Mountains
Julien Turk Biology PDF icon Development and Characterization of Distinct Populations of Forebrain Neurons Using Human iPSC-derived Cells
Karine Talbot Psychology PDF icon Socioeconomic Barriers to Physical Activity Participation in Canadian Adolescents
Khaled Skaik Physiology PDF icon Understanding Dynamic Transitions between Secondary Structures in DNA
Khalil Virji Computer Science PDF icon DRIFT-NCRN: A Benchmark Dataset for Drifter Trajectory Prediction
Krishiv Shah Biology PDF icon Nucleosome Positioning as TFBS Markers
Laine McCrory Political Science, and Gender, Sexuality, Feminist and Social Justice Studies PDF icon Locating AI: Developing a Critical Timeline of the Artificial Intelligence “Boom” in Montreal
Laura (Xiang Qi) Meng Medicine Outcome of Cardiac Surgery in Preterm Neonates and Infants
Leanne Young Computer Science and Biology PDF icon Precise Measurement of Motor Learning in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome
Liam Scott Physiology PDF icon Bacterial Infection of the Gums May Cause Cancer by Phosphatase-mediated Interactions with the Hippo Pathway
Maahir Shah Biology PDF icon Assessing Impact of Genetic and Built Environment Data on Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) Prediction
Madi Cohen Microbiology and Immunology PDF icon Recombinant Protein Purification: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Magnus Rauch Anatomy and Cell Biology PDF icon Examining the Influence of Cadaver-Based Anatomy Laboratory Experiences on Medical Students Through a Thematic Analysis of their Written Reflections
Malka Hershon Psychology PDF icon Associations between Trait Mindfulness with Negative Affect and Physical Symptoms during Pregnancy
Martin Mawhinney Pharmacology and Therapeutics PDF icon Investigating the Functional Diversity of Neutrophils upon TGF-β Treatment
Maxine Forder Pharmacology and Therapeutics PDF icon Towards a Diagnostic Tool for Malaria: Tuning a System Based on DNA and Fluorescence
Maya McKeown Neuroscience PDF icon Antidepressants as a Tool to Modulate Vocal Plasticity
Michelle Ding Neuroscience PDF icon Consequences on the Grid Cell Network Dynamics due to the Head Cell Signal Inhibition during Wakefulness and Sleep
Michelle Yang Linguistics PDF icon Keystroke Production of Idiomatic Expressions and COVID Terminology
Mingze Li Cognitive Science PDF icon Task Performing with Animal Connectomes Using Reservoir Computing
Miranda Addie Bassel Anatomy and Cell Biology PDF icon Let’s Talk About Sex: Addressing Institutional Disparities in Pelvic Anatomy Education
Miriam Cheety Psychology PDF icon Speaking and Listening with Our Eyes
Mona Wang Bioengineering PDF icon Comparative Analysis of Regenerative Techniques for Treatment of Life-Threatening Injuries and Illnesses
Natalie Swartz Bieler School of Environment PDF icon Fabulous Fabaceae Fixers
Nathalie Redick Computer Science PDF icon Using Machine Learning to Identify Landslides
Nour Hassan Anatomy and Cell Biology PDF icon Characterizing the Immune Landscape of the Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis MC-38 Mouse Model
Philippa Chown Psychology PDF icon Evaluation of Infotility XY, a Mobile Health Application Offering Fertility Information to Male Oncology Patients
Rishabh Shah Biology PDF icon Using an Objective Motor Activity Phenotype to Measure the Effect of Methylphenidate on Hyperactivity in ADHD
Robert Dow Cognitive Science File Understanding the Effect of Contextual Immersion on Language
Rose-Marie Guérard Psychology PDF icon Is Knowing Yourself Related to Knowing How Others See You? The Link Between Personality-Behaviour Congruence and Meta-Accuracy
Ruomeng Fang Pharmacology and Therapeutics PDF icon NanotPA Effectively Destroys Blood Clots without Cytotoxicity and Lipid Droplet Formation in Microglia Cells
Sam Aucoin Earth System Science PDF icon Coastal Sea-Ice Break-Up Events in Beringia
Shirley Zhang Psychology PDF icon Using Text Analysis Tools to Understand Autobiographical Memory Retrieval
Shreya Rastogi Cognitive Science PDF icon The Impact of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) on the Emotional Content of Autobiographical Memories
Sumaiyah Saleek Microbiology and Immunology PDF icon The Role of PERK Phosphorylation Site Y561 in Regulating PERK Activity in β cells
Tara Brar Physics PDF icon UUֱ Students for Science-based AddictionTreatment (MSSAT)
Taylor Traaseth Anatomy and Cell Biology PDF icon Assembly of Fibronectin Matrices in Adipocyte Cultures
Tessa Rehill Biology PDF icon The State of Canada’s Freshwater Biodiversity: Current Gaps in Molecular Genetic Resources and Future Perspectives
Thien Hy Quach Anatomy and Cell Biology PDF icon A Novel List of Proteins Interact with Cld8 Tails
Wimmy Miller Interdepartmental Honours program in Immunology PDF icon Existing Gut Microbiome Impacts Inflammation at Baseline and After Infection in a Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease
Winston Ge Anatomy and Cell Biology PDF icon Adapting Explicit Teaching on Problem-based Learning May Effectively Facilitate Critical Thinking Development
Yashar Aghazadeh Habashi Physiology PDF icon Overexpression of CXCR4 of Aggressive Cell Phenotypes in Synovial Sarcoma
Yasmine Frojmovic Mathematics and Biology PDF icon Understanding the Energetic Limits of Life
Yifei Ren Computer Science PDF icon Do Better Object Recognition Models Improve the Generalization Gap in Neural Predictivity?
Yijun Xu Psychology PDF icon Contribution of Primary Somatosensory Cortex to Speech Perception
Yingying Liu Pharmacology and Therapeutics PDF icon Neuronal Loss Associated with Tau Fibrillary Tangles in the UUֱ R955-hTau Rat Model of Human Tauopathy
Zachary Grimard Pharmacology and Therapeutics PDF icon ATF7 as a Potential Epigenetic Regulator in Long-COVID

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