SP0229: Maude Abbot Medical Museum

ٲٳܲ:ҰAugust 2019-

The project aims to mount an exhibit that models sustainable practices and development of a UUֱ departmental collection

Project Details

Project Number







PDF icon SP0229 Application


richard.fraser [at] mcgill.ca

Read the full project description

The objective of the project is:

• To mount an exhibit related to environmental issues and re-use of material at UUֱ and Quebec society at large. The most elaborate exhibit will be part of the Museum’s contribution to UUֱ’s 200th anniversary celebration. It will include artifacts such as lung specimens, radiographs, and minerals that illustrate the effects of potentially harmful inorganic dusts, such as silica, asbestos, and coal. Mining has been and continues to be an important part of the Quebec economy, and pulmonary disease resulting from workplace exposure can have important consequences to health. Potential exposure to these dusts during construction projects at UUֱ and the ways in which this can be avoided is another reason for exhibiting and discussing the subject. The exhibit will also be a vehicle to help generate a deeper understanding of general environmental factors that impact health.

• To mount 3 smaller displays that showcase innovation in re-use of material/space in the Strathcona Anatomy Building.

• To develop a model that incorporates measures of sustainability for the conservation and management of department collections at UUֱ. The material in the MAMM collection, like that in many of the other UUֱ department collections, has survived “by neglect”. This material is part of UUֱ’s community assets that need maintenance and investment to sustain its very existence and value and significance for future generations. The model developed will address the 2 major challenges for sustainable practices in the management of the smaller departmental collections: (1) allocation (and lack) of resources, (2) outreach measures (use of collections). The model will be published.

In order to carry out these projects, we need to have a better understanding of the extent and nature of the museum's collection as well as an ability to safely store it and easily find material within it. Resources from the SPF will be used in 2 ways.
(1) The creation of 2 Work Study positions for 4 months in the summer 2020. The objective is to complete the inventory (accession/deaccession) of all the material in the museum storage room. The students will triage all material and ensure that biological and non-biological material has appropriate labeling, packing and storage. Prevention of improper disposal of items will be paramount.
(2) UUֱ Facilities costs to move and install discarded UUֱ library shelving in the storage room. The shelving will be repurposed for secure storage of artifacts. The Office of the Building Director (Medicine) and Facility project managers have agreed to work with us to do this. We are also working with the Faculty of Medicine MEDIT to create a customized collection management interface software (stored on a UUֱ server, rather than a local hard drive). The database interface will be ready for testing in Fall 2019 and completed by Winter 2020.

The MAMM opened in Fall 2018, is open to visitors 6 hours a week, and has had over 2000 visitors. It has received Bronze Sustainable Workplace Certification and 2 events we ran in the past year were certified as sustainable. The Faculty of Medicine supplies salary support for 1 part-time position.The museum depends on contributions from visitors and Friends of the MAMM for operations and the development of new displays and outreach programs. An outreach program will be developed to increase visits/use to the MAMM by units such as Explore camp and UUֱ Recruitment and UUֱ Office in order to serve the wider UUֱ community..

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